Friday, March 5, 2010

Why The Earth's Axis Really Shifted

Earthquake after Earthquake, Tsunami, Mudslides and now the Earths axis has shifted. Is this the 2012 theory coming true? Perhaps global warming, or maybe just the Earths natural cycle. We here at Childthief have a new revolutionary theory as to what actually caused the shift in the Earth axis last week.
Our hypothesis is after Barton County Attorney Steven Kaderly learned what the workers employed by the County have been recently doing to harass parties that they were well out of there league to screw with in the first place. He became so

that the stomping up and down along with the high pitched screaming and cussing jolted the Earth slightly off its axis.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Anti Nixon Shirt in the Works

Here is a ruff draft of the anti “Nazi” Nixon shirt that will soon be on sale as well being handed out to as many Missourians that we can find. Seeing as how he took so many shirts off of there backs. We will do our best to put them back on, in Childthief style! And do not worry Mr. Kinder yours is in the makings as well, would not want the other half of Missouri’s problem to be forgotten.

Missouri DSS Joey Thompson Unlawfully Witholds Item From File CAUGHT ON TAPE!

Audio recording of Missouri 5th Circuit Children’s Division Director Joey Thompson, acknowledging that they do have a copy of a court order contained in there file and her refusal to provided a parent the information contained in the Children’s Division file after a reasonable request was made. This is a direct will full and malicious violation of numerous State Statutes as well Federal Laws and is further Civil Rights Violations perpetrated by the State.

2 Degrees From Mizzou & Still a Dumb Ass

TWO degrees from Mizzou and still a dumb ass who can’t balance his budget. WOW does not speak well of Missouri’s collage system.