Monday, February 8, 2010

Taking Over The Family Business.

In the States files NUMEROUS Social Workers discuss the children being groomed to take over the family “pornography” business as if this was a bad thing and that the “girls” were being pruned for it.

Well first off how is it any concern of the State if we wish to turn our business over to our children when they reach legal age?

This would also be a direct violation of Article I Section II of the Missouri State Constitution by DSS as well Governor Jay Nixon, Lt. Governor Peter Kinder and Attorney General Koster who knowingly and maliciously have allowed this to have gone on after swearing an oath of office to defend said Constitution. This section clearly states:

“…all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and the enjoyment of the gains of their own industry;…” {emphasis added}

Which means the people have the right to enjoy the fruits of there own industry with out harassment by the State or it employees and to pass that industry on to there offspring if they so chose.

With that we want to be VERY clear, we would support our children in anything they chose to do. With one exception and that is to become a back stabbing, child stealing low life Social Service Worker. Hell we see more pedophiles come from the ranks of DSS than out of the adult industry, look at the 5th Circuit alone. And If the State is truly worried about underage children being pruned for anything, then why has Mr. Capps not been examined for taking under age girls to the parks (ALONE) and receiving what we would call love letters. Would seem the only pruning for perverted gains is being done is occurring with in the States ranks.

As stated numerous times be for this was always about lifestyle and profession as well jealous that parties could not perform in such an industry nor make the amounts of money that we did and as such did not approve. It impossible to deny it when you have a dumb ass ignorant backwoods Judge(s) like Randall Jackson an Charles Curless placing it in there singed sealed order. That it was based on “life style”!

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