Monday, February 8, 2010

When A Person Cant Keep There Own Family Together, Get A Job Destroying Others!

While looking threw DFS file we came across a VERY odd statement made by DSS Worker David Capps to another State employee Marisa Maples this conversation was discussing them needing our marriage date and our {DIVORCE DATE} that’s odd, were not divorced and there is no plans to due so.
It then dawned on us and a bit of research reviled that Mr. Capps is a divorcee. It would seem, that due to the fact that he could not hold his marriage together then he expects everyone else to sercum to the pressure. Would be curious what the irreconcilable difference was that caused his marriage to terminate.
Makes you wonder if he took his job at DSS with the soul purpose of destroying families and relationships. It is obvious from his and Ms. Maples conversation is that it is the State’s intent to disrupt the sanctity of marriage threw harassment and intimidation. As they made the assumption that we had been divorced after the onslaught perpetrated by DSS workers and the State. That has hard as they tried, did not work! We will be celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary on February 14th of this year. And it would seem someone has a jealous streak and a malicious nature that they could not hold there’s together while we have perfect balance in our relationship.

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