Saturday, June 12, 2010

Missouri Lt. Governor Kinder Needs To Worry About Home

“The character of our mortal enemy: Taliban hanged a 7-yr-old Afghan boy yesterday, whom they said had spied for USA” Peter Kinder

Above is a quote from Missouri Lt. Governor Peter Kinder that was placed on his Twitter page. Find this of great interest him standing on his soap box taking such an interest in the Taliban hanging a child in ANOTHER country. But his lack of response, in matters at hand in his OWN State in his OWN country caused our child to hang himself. Did Mr. Kinder do anything NO did Mr. Kinder offer an apology NO! What did Mr. Kinder do he hid behind the skirts of his office help. Truly Mr. Kinder you should be ashamed of your self just another political COWARD! Nothing more! And the voters I’m sure with the right encouragement and information will see that you will not be making the same lack of action after the future election. And really Mr. Kinder stop with the pathetic flag waving, and deal with matters at home rather than in another country where even though the State of Missouri politicians like to imagine the world revolves around them it does not. Learn from expensive past mistakes stay within your boarders. You may be to ignorant to understand but to the North, South, East & West there lies an imaginary line called State boundaries try to stay in them. It is obvious you and Twiddle Dumb (Nixon) have enough problems at home to deal with rather than worrying about you “mortal enemy; Taliban”.
If your that serious Peter, about kicking ass, and getting even then give up politics and pack your ass over there and fight rather than allowing our children to be sent. How many Missourians have lost there lives fighting while you set over here safe and sound playing arm chair warrior?

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