Sunday, January 24, 2010

Caesar Had Brutus & Nixon Has Kinder

WOW Caesar had Brutus and Nixon has Kinder, listen to this State of the State address by Lt. Governor Peter Kinder. Really Peter the only thing I heard watching your address on OPT was you trash talking the Governor. Was it not you in another speech who stated in short you were going to work with Nixon to better Missouri and put politics aside for the betterment of the State. Wasn’t that the lame excuse used for cowering out of the election? All I see now is someone using State funds and critical time to climb upon a soap box and start an early campaign. Pretty pathetic over all, listing to you squawk about Mr. Nixon’s miss appropriation of funds for over a year now. Hmmm where have you been for a year and done nothing, you are just a culpable as him.

You whine there are no jobs in Missouri, yet you as well as Mr. Nixon allowed a profitable business from your State that employed numerous people as well produced revenue in many Missouri cities. This same business has the ability to employ, EVERY Missourian who wishes to work. Send us your tired your hungry your weak, we will be more than happy to employ them all. In our industry everyone has a fan base, even you.

You say you will not raise taxes, hmmm sounds like Bush and his speech and we all know how that ended. Expect to be held to your word, as shallow as it is. And truly if you were that worried about the tax payers then why would you do nothing to correct numerous issues that raise the tax payers liability. Just curios how the State will pay that debt, with its finances in such turmoil, as the ax is about to drop.

You outline SO MUCH wrong doing by Governor Nixon in “cooking the books” and that he held “closed door meetings” as well in your speech you say “In the past year, lawmakers have credibly charged Governor Nixon's staff with offering them jobs for their votes.” Which is a criminal offence, if these allegations are true why have you done NOTHING?
Have you pursued ethics violations have you requested an inquiry have you contacted the Attorney General? It would seem that all you want to do is bitch and wine to further your political career rather than come to a solution or to take action are you just lazy a moron or a coward. Get off your soap box, election time is a long ways away and you still have us to contend with when that time is reached, should you chose to re-run for ANY position. Oh and do not fear you are not being singled out we intended to do all we can to see that Nixon is not re-elected either should he to run for office. We are all ready designing t-shirts etc. to give to all those Missourians who are un-employed and homeless by your short comings. If you and Governor Nixon are going to take the shirt of there backs we will be there to put one of ours back on as many as we can.

In closing you speak of ethics and ethical change, you sir no NOTHING about either and are infantile to even speak of such things. Example is the fact you set by and let corruption run rampant in State and do NOTHING. But the reality and purpose is your on a soap box craving attention so as not to fade in to obscurity, and like a pre-mature ejaculator are blowing your load way be for the proper time to climax.

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