Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nixon Violates Handicap Civil Rights

Seems Nixon & The State of Missouri Cant Help But Violate Peoples Civil Rights

This story is provided to you due to statements made by Jolene Anderson of the Missouri DSS 5th Circuit in her documents Thank you Ms. Anderson.

It would appear that while Attorney General for the state of Missouri the now Governor Jay Nixon violated a handicap person Civil Rights. The claim was that Mr. Nixon would not hire her due to the fact that she was a quadriplegic.

The story also goes on to state that:

A settlement was reached for the mere meager sum of $26,000 to be paid by the State of Missouri over 52 months.

The stipulations of the settlement out lined the Plaintiff would not be presented attorney fees.

That Nixon was released from the suit in his “personal capacity”

Would have to admit that was very kind and caring of the Plaintiff in this case to settle at such a deflated amount from where it should have been for a Civil Rights Violation of this magnitude, as well to allow the release on Nixon in his personal capacity. Did you tell her you were sorry Jeremiah?

But then again Nixon merely singled her out, picked on her and did not promote her due to her handicap. He didn’t allow parties to kidnap there children, house them in a garage, allow then to have guns and knives as play toys and allow one to hang himself in the presence of a Social Worker. And even after all that nothing has changed!

Just curious if Mr. Nixon believes he will be released from his “personal capacity” in our civil rights cases against him and the State? And to Mr. Nixon we are past the apologetic stage, when you were told to say you were sorry for what had transpired and occurred to our family you should have done it. We then could have worked to find a resolution to the situation that you allowed to occur under your administration. But no you preferred to hide behind your employees and attempt to hide behind deniability, which has all ready de-solidified around you.
Mr. Nixon had you been a man a leader and not a coward, it would have saved the tax payers an exorbitant amount of money, not only in what the State will relinquish when it loses this battle, but what it will expel in defending the un-defendable.

Read the full article about how Nixon an Missouri treat its handicap employees at:

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