Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Letter Back to Lt. Governor's Office

September 30, 2009

Lt. Governor Peter Kinder
Room 224
Jefferson City, Mo. 65101

Dear Lt. Governor Kinder;

Enclosed find a fax received from your office on September 30, 2009 from a Ms. Beth Peters. Listing concerns of “Wasting Missouri’s taxpayers dollars” [emphasis in original] when we use up your paper & toner. I would remind you and parties that until recent we were residents of the State until we were compelled to flea the State of Missouri due to threats made by its employees until that time and many years prior we were residents and tax payer of that State, we also still do own land & property in the State. As well our children are being held unlawfully by the State of Missouri.
Therefore we have the right to express our views towards our government its employees and elected officials. This would seem just another example of the State of Missouri violating our rights to protest, the right to free speech which in, and of itself is a drastic violation of the Constitutional Rights protected by the United States Constitution and Missouri State Constitution.
Are the views of Ms. Peters the official views of the State of Missouri? As her correspondence does bear the Great Seal of the State. We have been encouraged by Ms. Hendricks in the past to ‘empower ourselves through the use of our government.’
A copy of this letter as well as the original fax received will be forwarded to the Missouri House & Senate, media, and Mr. Bernstein to amend his filing. It is hard to fathom that with the massiveness of the situation the State is facing that its official would want to be uninformed. If the State is that concerned about the “tax payer’s dollars” then perhaps parties should be dealing with the situations at hand as the tax payers will be toting a heavy financial burden and the State official a major embarrassment due to their employees actions. This coupled with the fact of the statement made by Ms. Peters “there is nothing more our office can do.” This indicates that the elected Lt. Governor has lost total control of the States employees, so we now have a situation that the highest ranking officials for the State of Missouri can not, properly execute their duties in office.
Thank you for your time and help in this matter.


Mr. & Mrs. C*****
P.O. Box ***
********, Ar ******
Fax (***) ***-****
Phone (***) ***-****

CC: Governor Jay Nixon
Missouri House (entire)
Missouri Senate (entire)
Debbie Hendrix
Ron Levy
Media Outlets

Eric Bernstein
AUTHORS COMENTS: This was our immediate response to the fax received in our other post, as you can obviously see we will not stand idle!
This was sent to all Missouri House & Missouri Senate members, and this time we heard back. Missouri House Rep. Terry Witte in a childish, unethical and unprofessional manor had our entire fax sent back to us and know comment. But he’s on the way out as his term is up and thinks his wife will fill his position after the election. I would not count on it Mr. Witte, she may ware the pants in your house. But if her views are anything similar to yours, her opponent will get the position and we will be there to encourage that out come.
The second person to contact us is Missouri House Rep. Jeff Grisamore, his office sided with Ms. Peters and the audio of that is located on this blog an You Tube. This move is understandable, as Ms. Peters has made announcements supporting him in the past. Just hope she does the same come election.

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