Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Surely Missouri Senator Victor Callahan is NOT this? Had to be a mistake.

Came back from a trip, to find a returned fax from Missouri Senator Victor Callahan from the 11th District. No cover letter, just our documents re-faxed. Surely this was done in error as we are sure someone so regal as a Missouri Senator would not be playing childish games acting un-ethically and malicious, and would have concerns of the safety of children and the fact that there was documented proof that Social Workers in Missouri have and are lying, placing school children and faculty at risk. Or perhaps he is illiterate and just can’t write, does anyone know?
We will give him the chance to redeem himself tomorrow. But if this is some attempt to hinder us in expressing our rights, good luck with that Senator. The public ANY public has the right to contact any politician in the nation if the subject matter effects them in anyway. So get use to it, until the issue is resolved in a manner we deem appropriate, we will continue to voice our opinion.
Any you will be hearing our voice very soon, Senator!


  1. see he's a dork not regal

  2. To:

    From: Senator Victor Callahan

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    We have indicated to you several times the difficulty of receiving volumes of faxes in our office.

    We have received many many pages of information from you in the past year. They were all by fax. The last fax we received was 18 pages. By faxing hundreds of pages to our office, this has caused our taxpayer paid fax machine to break down several times this year due to heavy volume.

    While it is our policy to help all who contact our office, we always make the constituents of the 11th Senatorial District our 1st priority. I realize you have issues with the State of Missouri. As we have indicated to you previously, this is a legal matter, and for that reason, we are unable to resolve this issue to your satisfaction.

    In conclusion, I am always happy to review information sent to my office. I would ask that any future information you wish to send to me be done by US Mail.

    Thank your for your time.

    Sincerely yours,

    Victor E. Callahan
    State Senator - 11th District
