Saturday, October 17, 2009

This Video Confronts If CPS/DFS Hates Kids

The answer is NO they do not hate them they love them like a tapeworm loves its host. The problem is they do not care about them there is a difference, you would think that a child dieing in custody is a bad thing, but not to a system funded on a trickle effect. To a State economy a dead kid is just as lucrative as a live one, an abused kid in foster care is better than one at home with there parents safe and sound.
WHY? Think about it, the State receives funds when the child goes in to care. From there they can tap the piggy bank for numerous other things treatment, drugs, evaluation etc. Now if the child GETS abused in foster care, there again are evaluations, drugs, etc as well now possible criminal charges for the abuser.
Then there’s a death, just as good as the above, because now there is coroners inquests, charges, extra hours for law enforcement, the division, etc. And don’t forget the news crews! NEWS CREWS! You say.. Well that’s a bad thing, isn’t it all that publicity.. No that’s the best, then your politician can use it to catapult themselves, they can lobby for more funds to correct there systems. And all those news crews bring revenue with them, to the dinners, coffee shops etc. in the form of taxes. On top of that, it sells news papers and TV ads. With Missouri eliminating income tax and going to a point of sale tax, should aid in generating funds for the State.
So this video address CPS/DFS love or hate for children, and I say they LOVE them to DEATH!!!!

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