Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Missouri Lt. Governor Kinders Office Thinks Kids Lives Are A Waste Of Ink & Paper

This was faxed to us from Missouri Lt. Governor Peter Kinder’s Office by Beth Peters who is part of Constitute Services. {Constitute Services is a person that goes between the public and the executive officer they are given the authority to speak for the executive officer.}This was in response to documents sent to their Office in-regards to our four children having been taken in to custody by the State, for no just cause as the allegations are false and parties know this. Further the State placed the Children with their Grandmother Cheryl Fountain the same person who placed the Hotline call, very suspicious in and of its self. The State has refused to reunify with the parents, they refuse to transfer the children to the State of Arkansas where the parents now reside. They have been placed with their grandmother, in a house that was deemed a fire hazard and reeking of mold. The children in numerous letters to their Social Worker have stated they do not want to be there and want to come home. On or about June 3, 2009 our oldest son hung himself while in the care, custody & control of Missouri Social Worker Emily Davidson, right in front of her eyes! He survived this incident but it is obvious that his environment he is living in caused the issue. As well the other children have made threats of suicide all while in the State of Missouri’s “care” and in this placement.
So to Ms. Peters & Lt. Governor Kinder, you have not done all your office can! You have NOT rectified the problem! When Ms. Peters was contacted originally, she “e-mailed” numerous parties to contact us out of those parties NONE did.
She complains about receiving faxes everyday, well Ms. Peters you and your office risk our children’s life, safety, and well being EVERYDAY! So what is your point, you’re more concerned about paper and ink than families and children’s lives. Not going to make a very good campaign slogan for your boss come 2012. Also we were Missouri Tax payers for NUMEROUS years, we still own property with in the State and conduct business there, this is minor compared to the fact Missouri is holding our four children against our will and theirs.
If you are that concerned about toner & ink, let us know what you use and we will be more than happy to send you some, if that is what it takes to have our voices heard by the State Government!
And to the public, is this the type of people you want representing you in Office? They can not even see that four children are protected, when they KNOW there is a problem! How will they perform in a flood, terrorist attack, tornado, or ice storm? Oh wait we saw how they did in an ice storm. The point is there are four lives on the line and they can’t come up with a solution other than to ignore the issue. So what will they do if there are tens of thousands of lives and well being on the line?

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